Trump is "in it to win it"

Statement: "(On Jeb Bush) He takes me seriously."

This statement is false. It is hard to fully analysis because it is subjective. It is almost more of Trump's opinion than fact. In an interview, Jeb Bush said, "I think Governor Jindal's absolutely correct that he's not a serious candidate (Alpert, 2015)."

Statement: "I gave money to top democrats."

This statement is true. Over the years Trump has donated a significant amount of money to top democrats, but he has also donated money to top republicans. Although it’s true it comes across bias. His donations were once more evenly split between democrats and republicans, but in the past few years it has been more republican dominate. Between years 1989 and 2009, democrats took more than half of Trump’s donations (Kurtzleben, 2015).

Statement: "I'm giving up hundreds of millions of dollars to run."

This statement is true. Trump is giving up his primetime TV show The Apprentice to run. It is also affecting his bottom line in other ways. Univision canceled its broadcast of Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants over Trump’s controversial remarks about Mexicans in his campaign announcement speech. Trump is a part owner of both broadcasts (Bradner, 2015).

Statement: "We lost our jobs, and we lost our money."

This statement is false. America has gained nearly five time more jobs under President Barack Obama than it did during under George W. Bush. The unemployment rate has also dropped to just below the historical average. Stock prices have soared and corporate profits have nearly tripled (Jackson, 2015).

The main sources in the video are CNN and Jake Tapper. Tapper is the Chief Washington Correspondent and an anchor for CNN.

Jake Tapper is asking questions to get information and ideas out of Donald Trump. His main motive is to inform. He is presenting Trump with questions to inform American voters of his views. Donald Trump seems to have a different motive throughout the interview. He is doing more persuading than informing. He is using different facts and information to persuade the audience that he has made many sacrifices to run and is in it to win it.

The interview is mainly focused on different opinions and pieces of information given by Trump. Trump does not use very much concrete evidence to back up his claims. For example when Trapper asks Trump if Jeb Bush takes him seriously and how he knows. Trump only responds with “Trust me, he takes me seriously.” There are no outside sources mentioned.

Overall the interview is very scattered covering many different topics, but Trapper uses the topics and questions to show that Trump is in it to win it. The topics seem scattered, but it all works together and is logical.

Both Trump and Trapper mention Hilary Clinton, Jeb Bush, and George Bush the most. When talking about giving money to top Democrats only Hilary Clinton is mentioned. Who else has he given money too?

Donald Trump: I'm not a flip-flopper, I have evolved

Video Link:

Statement: "Politicians are controlled by lobbyists."

This statement is party true. Lobbyists are a big factor in politics, but it is going to far to say that they completely control politicians. In 2015 there were 10,616 lobbyists and they spent a total of $1,625,888,446. Politicians need the funding from lobbyists and thus are more careful with what they say. Companies, labor unions, and other organizations spend billions each year to lobby federal agencies and Congress (Lobbying Database, 2015). 

Statement: "In 2004 I was totally against going into Iraq."

This statement is partly true. In 2004 Trump did say he was against the Iraq war, but it wasn’t until after the war had already started. The war began in March 2003. In November 2004 Trump was on “Larry King Live” and said, “I do not believe that we made the right decision going into Iraq, but, you know, hopefully, we’ll be getting out.” A year after the war started Trump spoke against the war, in interviews with Esquire and Larry King (Eder, 2015). 

Statement: "Your opponents may say you have flipped flopped. You were democrat, independent, unaffiliated..."

This statement is true. According to the New York City Board of Elections Trump registered for the first time in New York as a Republican in July 1987, but later joined the Independence Party in October 1999. In August 2001 he enrolled as a Democrat, and eight years later he returned to the Republican Party. Although, he only remained with the GOP party for two more years and in 2011 marked a box that indicated, “I do not wish to enroll in a party. He returned to the GOP in April 2012 (Chasmar, 2015). 

Statement: "You were pro-choice, now you’re not."

This statement is true. In February at the conservative CPAC conference Trump announced that he is pro-life after years of supporting the pro-abortion position. “On NBC’s Meet the Press in 1999, Trump told Tim Russert that while he “cringe[s] to hear people debating the subject” of partial birth abortion he “still just believes in choice.” Trumps explanation for his change of opinion was “As I’ve grown older, I’ve changed my views (Wegmann, 2015).

CNN, Anderson Cooper, and Donald Trump are the three main sources in the video. Cooper has his own show on CNN called Anderson Cooper 360.

The main motive of this interview is to inform. Cooper is using facts and information to interview Trump and inform the audience. He is not trying to persuade or entertain.

Some evidence is used throughout the interview. Cooper uses information from the polls, quotes from Jeb Bush, and quotes from Trump in previous interviews. Cooper uses evidence to back up his questions.

Cooper asks logical questions in order to get important information from Trump. There does not seem to be an overall goal for the interview, but everything being asked makes sense.

There is some mention of the other GOP candidates, but overall they seem to be left out of the interview. Cooper could have added more in the interview about the other candidates for comparison reasons. Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham are mentioned the most.

Donald Trump: I'm for the abortion exception

Video Link:

Statement: "My biggest problem with Planned Parenthood is that it’s like an abortion factory."

This statement is not true. Abortion services only contribute to 3% of all Planned Parenthood health services. Trump way over exaggerated the true on Planned Parenthood and abortions (By the numbers, 2015). 

Statement: "Planned Parenthood has become so heavily centered on abortion."

This statement is not true. During a speech on the House floor, on July 21, Rep. Bill Johnson of Ohio said, “in 2013, abortions made up 94 percent of Planned Parenthood’s so-called pregnancy services.” Although the 94 percent figure doesn’t come from Planned Parenthood, which says it doesn’t track the total number of women it serves or all the services provided. The 2013-1014 annual report doesn’t even have “pregnancy services” listed as a category (Gore, 2015).

Statement: "I have many women executives."

This statement is partly true. The only data or information that could be found to vilify this is from Michael Cohen, Trump’s general counsel and an executive vice president. During on interview on “CNN’s New Day” with Chris Cuomo, Cohen said that while the billionaire’s companies employ 57 percent men and 43 percent women, “there are more female executives at the Trump Organization than there are male" (Ross, 2015).

Statement: "INTERVIEW: Do you pay the women and men in the top of your corporation the same? TRUMP: Yes I do. I pay the women more."

This statement is partly true. Michael Cohen also told Chris Cuomo that “In senior accounting, the male is in the $70,000 range and the female is slightly greater than that. In the area of even the legal department where the assistant general counsel makes $25,000 more than her male counterpart (Ross, 2015)."

The main sources in this video are CNN, Chris Cuomo, and Donald Trump. Cuomo was the previous ABC News chief law and justice correspondent.

This interview is content designed to inform. Cuomo is asking questions to inform the audience about Trumps opinions on the Iran deal, abortion, and equal pay for women.

Cuomo uses other sources to get information in order to ask Trump important questions. The evidence he uses throughout to interview he learned from another source and is able to be confirmed.

The interview is logical and Cuomo asks questions that make sense. The reporting is clear and Trump is able to give logical answers. Both Trump and Cuomo use different evidence to back up what they are saying in order to make it logical.

The interview is focused on Trump and his opinions. Cuomo asks about his views abortion, but also includes Marco Rubio. The interview covers a variety of topics, but Cuomo makes sure to include all other people involved in those topics throughout the questions.

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